At our dental practice, we understand that dental health is a journey, and sometimes, even the best treatments may need a second look. Root canal retreatment is a valuable procedure that allows us to address issues with previous root canal therapy, ensuring your tooth remains healthy and functional for years to come.

There are instances when a root canal-treated tooth might encounter complications. Whether due to complex root canal anatomy, new infections or other unforeseen factors, these issues can compromise the success of the initial treatment. Root canal retreatment offers a solution, giving us the opportunity to correct any problems and restore your tooth’s health.

Root canal retreatment involves carefully reopening the affected tooth to access the root canal system. We meticulously remove any previous filling material and thoroughly clean the canals to eliminate any infection or debris. Advanced imaging techniques guide us in identifying any hidden or intricate canals that might have been missed during the initial treatment. Once the canals are clean and free of infection, we fill and seal them with biocompatible materials to prevent future issues.

We know that the idea of undergoing retreatment can be daunting. Our team prioritizes your comfort and wellbeing throughout the process. We utilize modern anesthetics and sedation options to ensure a pain-free experience. Our goal is to create a relaxing and supportive environment where you feel at ease every step of the way.

Addressing issues with a previously treated tooth promptly is crucial. Delaying retreatment can lead to further complications, including the potential loss of the tooth. By seeking timely intervention, we can save your tooth and help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

Root canal retreatment in Parker, Colorado, is a testament to our commitment to preserving your natural teeth and enhancing your overall wellbeing. Together, we can ensure your smile remains strong, healthy and confident for a lifetime. Call Parkglenn Dental at 303-840-1900 to schedule your visit with our dentists, Dr. Cary LaCouture or Dr. DaNae Graves, to start your treatment.